This equipment is used for air conditioning compressor pump assembly, through the displacement sensor to measure the height of the compressor crankshaft and piston combination, and through the gas-electric converter to measure the upper bearing and cylinder combination of the internal width of the assembly equipment, automatic core adjustment to make the position of the two to reach the specified gap, the use of the specified automatic torque lock bolt assembly equipment.
气动测头及校对规是精密测量领域中不可或缺的工具,其准确性和稳定性直接关系到产品质量和生产效率。为确保测量结果的可靠性,对气动测头及校对规进行定期的检定显得尤为重要。检定气动测头时,首先需检查其外观是否完好,有无明显损伤或磨损。接着,使用标准量块对测头进行校准,确保其测量值与标准值一致。在校准过...... 【Detail+】